Be an APEC architect
APEC Architect
An APEC architect is a person who is registered, licensed or otherwise professionally recognised as an architect in a participating economy, and whose name is enrolled on a section of the APEC architect register maintained by that economy. APEC architects are bound by host economy codes of professional conduct to protect public health, safety and welfare.
Criteria for admission
The criteria adopted by the Central Council for admission to the APEC architect register, and use of the description ‘APEC Architect’, are based on identification of a common sequence and elements in the education, training and assessment of architects as qualified to provide professional architectural services in the home economy.
Applicants to become APEC architects are required to fulfil the following criteria:
- be registered in their home country
- have completed a minimum period of professional practice of seven years after initial registration in any participating economy
have gained experience in all of the following categories of architectural practice:
- Preliminary studies
- Preparation of briefs
- Design
- Contract documentation
- Administration
at least three years of the seven-year period must be undertaken as an architect:
- with sole professional responsibility for the design, documentation and contract administration of buildings of moderate complexity, or
- in collaboration with other architects, as an architect in charge of and professionally responsible for a significant aspect of the design, documentation and/or contract administration of complex buildings.
Architects deemed by the Monitoring Committee in a particular economy to have fulfilled these requirements are eligible for registration as an APEC architect. To retain their registration, APEC architects must comply with obligations imposed by their home economies for maintaining professional competence and observing codes of professional conduct. Host economies may choose to impose special requirements for the recognition of APEC architects for practice in their economies, but any such requirements must be fully transparent.
Singapore, Australia and New Zealand APEC Architect Agreement
On 10 October 2010, Singapore had signed with Australia and New Zealand an APEC Architect Trilateral Agreement on Reciprocal Recognition of Registered Architects in Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. This means Singapore APEC architects are entitled to registration in Australia and New Zealand subject only to a test that examines their knowledge of aspects of the architectural process that are exclusive to the two economies. The same applies to New Zealand and Australian APEC architects wishing to be registered in Singapore.
Singapore APEC architects who wish to apply for registration in Australia and New Zealand should contact the respective Boards directly for more information:
Further information on the APEC architect framework may be obtained from the APEC Architect website
For registation to be an APEC architect, please download the forms here.